Saturday, February 24, 2018

The poor $ Clydesdale

The idea of being broke from schooling shows before the show season has even started crossed my mind the other day ...... unfortunately the term "money doesn't grow on trees" also means, money doesn't come out the other end of my horse when i feed it green hay....... 

A little back story of Charlotte's owner's life.... She works full time as a 911 dispatcher and takes any and every bit of overtime that she can to pay for the luxurious horse life. This also makes sure that Charlotte gets everything she needs, she has never gone without something important to her health or wellbeing. Her owner even picks up small odd jobs dog walking to earn extra cash. With that said, the equestrian trying to make it through the show season is pretty busy and most likely a bit stressed at times. It also helps to have a wonderful trainer that will go easy on you and help out at times, or find things that she may need help with to counter out hauling costs etc. I feel that there are two different types of equestrians trying to stay above in the horse world. Not to say that either type is better than the other, I'm just writing from my stand point. I don't know how the other half lives, but I know they have there own challenges, as do I. Please, my blog is not to make anyone upset just write about my experiences. 

With that being said, this particular "Poor $ Charlotte" blog starts .....
As I mentioned the schooling shows coming up. These particular events we sign up for don't necessarily count toward Rebecca but in a way they do. Every small training opportunity that arises will benefit and help Charlotte and myself grow to become the best we can be in Montana at the Rebecca 3-day. Just for the month of March we start with a clinic taught by Hawley Bennett the very first weekend. Two weeks after that is the Donida combined Schooling show that cost almost as much as a regular entry for a recognized event but will be an amazing experience and our first outing in the Novice level. Following that the very next weekend is the Aspen derby. 

After shelling out multiple checks to multiple places for the month of March on top of our normal bills like board, extra grain, farrier and all "human owner expenses" I felt like all my over time for the month of March that hasn't even been worked yet was already spent. But the reason I work the overtime and the reason I continue to work a full time job on top of keeping Charlotte and myself fit is for the experience. Dedication to the sport and my team! Most people live there life saving for the memories they want, while I'm out living the memories as they come.

This is what I love to do, this is why I work, Charlotte is the reason I work so hard. Charlotte has the potential and I want to make sure that she gets the chance she deserves. 

In my line of work as a 911 dispatcher we work odd hours and just one of the many sacrifices I made this year was to work 1am-11am so that I could have weekends off. This shift is difficult but we make it work, and on top of that I make sure to ride and stay dedicated to the sport of Eventing. I am extremely happy in my choices and continue to make each day count with the love and support of my friends and family. But I also work my ass off the provide for Charlotte so we can make it to Rebecca. The #roadtorebecca2018 is not just a show for us, it's a dream and one of our many goals and we will continue to strive and work hard to reach it!

In conclusion ... we may be broke by the end ... but we will be at Rebecca and we will succeed! 

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