Thursday, March 1, 2018

Can I get ice with this power house

You know that feeling when you have worked out multiple days in row? That sore muscle feeling of that extra rep or extra mile you ran? How about when your are so sore you can barely sit down? I don't know about you, but I love the feeling! The satisfaction of pushing myself to that full potential and doing 10 extra crunches. Pain when you laugh, that feeling of triumph and self improvement toward a better and healthier me.

Makes me wonder if horses feel the same?

This past weekend was brutal for me and extra brutal for Charlotte. She conquered it like a champ! Saturday we had a small group lesson with my favorite mother daughter duo, we practiced a few different combinations for our up coming clinic this weekend. Which will be my very first eventing clinic. The following day was a trip to the pipeline trails with Rosie and her talented mare Ripley, to work on strength training and endurance with the multiple hills. We found a stretch of the trail that had a gradual incline with 3 hills total. My body was tired from holding our 2point position. *mental note to jog myself up and down the hill for personal strength training* Monday rolls around and we have another jump lesson with Jenny, trying out of new Prestige saddle with a few different scenarios. I thought for certain Charlotte was going to be as exhausted as me! But she is the little engine that could! Kept on jumping and trying her heart out for us! Charlotte definitely seemed a bit more tired than normal but she was amazing and the new saddle fit helped me stay out of her way a lot more as well. But it makes me wonder if they feel the same fatigue after? That same "the pain is worse on the second day" feeling and if they feel as accomplished as we do with that?

I believe it is true..... with one day off Jenny rides Charlotte on Wednesday and sends me snaps of this little power house energizer bunny! I truly believe that the love to work and have a job. Horses love to please and you can tell after days of intense work outs and training Charlotte still does not have a bad attitude and is happy to please and give it her all. But it is so very important to keep up on equine maintenance, especially when it comes to these talented athletes.

Charlotte receives multiple forms of pampering including monthly body work. She will be receiving her first official chiropractic adjustment in two weeks as well. Along with all this much needed care and maintenance one of my favorite products are ICE HORSE. Not are they easy accessible, most of their products are easily portable and sold in so many different locations!

ICE HORSE offers a variety of products to help prevent injuries and also to help injuries recover wither that is with ice or heat. They carry a variety of wraps and boots for many different areas of the body. Including products for people and dogs!!! Of course, always consult your vet or doctor before making purchases or trying products but I would highly recommend them! The ICE HORSE community and staff have been so kind and knowledgeable with any questions or concerns I have had. Every time I talk with Liv I feel I learn something new! There website has all the products and all the information about them included. ICE HORSE also has an informative blog. ICE HORSE BLOG They discuss many different types of injures and prevention. Their non prescriptive, non invasive cold therapy products are proven effective ways for maintaining equine joint health and facilitating post injury rehab. They have also been selected to partner with the united states equestrian federation as the official cold therapy product!

Check them out on line or through Instagram (, facebook ( and twitter ( !!! I highly recommend there blog!!


  1. Just learned about you and Charlotte. Love reading up on you guys.

    1. Thank you for reading! We greatly appreciate all the support in our adventures!


FAQ on CBD Oil

I am not an expert, scientist, doctor or any type of specialist. I also do not claim to be any of the latter. I didn't even go to co...